Friday, October 24, 2008

i'm starting to get

the fact that the "acceptance" part of grief is not the end of something but the beginning of something.

I'm also starting to get that disillusionment is a good thing - really difficult, but good. Who wants to spend her whole life mistaking fake for real?


Okay, on a lighter note, it's time to crank up the ol' Friday Soap Giveaways again! Who's with me? It took a while for the giveaway to get going last year, but once it heated up, the competition got fierce!

The lucky winner will receive a bar of Midnight Chocolate Amber, which was my top seller at the County Fair this year. It's sultry, sexy and somehow perfect for the new, dark nights of fall (not to be mistaken for dark nights of the soul). Plus, just like an authentic autumn day, these bars start out light colored and cheery (see background soap) and then darken to a broody, rich brown as they age, showing off the gold veins running though:

Just leave a note in the comments section telling me why you agree or disagree with my heavy psychological observations in this post - and why. Okay, go. Discuss amongst yourselves.


  1. Anonymous4:38 PM

    Yeah!! for you!! It is NOT the end but the beginning to a brand new adventure. Disillusionment totally sucks! But it is a good teacher to help spot the real parts of life.

    I hope lots of readers make comments on this important theme!

    (btw-your pic of the beautiful soap did not load for me - but I know what it looks like)

  2. Hm, A. I don't know why that pic isn't loading for you. I can see it, but that's probably not saying much.

    Maybe I should start adding a heavy psychological observation or two to each soap giveaway.

  3. I suspect that the making and selling of soap itself is a fairly "heavy psychological observation." Hmmm?

  4. Anonymous7:19 PM

    see it now :-)

    and to all who read this.... you WANT this soap! very very nice stuff!
