Monday, February 16, 2009

what happens in scottsdale

So, we head down to the Scottsdale All-Arabian show on Friday, and it's great, as usual. Good vendors, lovely fillies and colts:

Some deep quality in the under-saddle classes:

Adorable children in the Leadline classes:

Artery-clogging horse show food (....mmmmm....faLAfel........):

But we soon discovered that our primary raison d'etre at Scottsdale was to be the entourage for a certain celebrity. No, I'm not talking about Brit-Brit. It's someone MUCH more of the moment:
Dude. Seriously? Maiden and I couldn't walk more than ten paces without hearing that telltale "AAAAAAAAWWWWWWIsthataBoxer?Howoldisshe?She'sSOOOOOOOOCUUUUUUUUTE."

Show management was really on top of things this year, too. They apparently knew Belle would be coming down from the high country, because they provided her with her own, private facilities:

It's too bad I'm so prejudiced against pit bulls and that I'm totally impervious to puppy breath and warm puppy bellies. Because here's what faced me the next morning in my hotel room bed:

Hey, Belle? Just remember: What happens in Scottsdale stays in Scottsdale. We can keep this between us, right?

'Cause, you know. I got a rep to protect.


  1. ROTF LMAO!! Over and over.... you did good, N! :-) I love the first pic of her running along - great action shot!

    The last one says it all.... I love you, N - the lady with the great shoes.

  2. Man, it just hit me. She was TOTALLY snuggling with me because of my Ariat Fat Babies.

    I feel

  3. Great pictures. Have you been taking lessons from Chickens in the Road? We all should. I've always wondered why many painters always put what looks like a small head on their horses, and then I see your first photo. Duh!
