Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Cranberry Fig winner!

Myrrh is the winner of the Cranberry Fig bar. Congrats, Girl!

Posting on the blog will be light for a while (heck, it HAS been light for a while already). Reasons? I'm in major soaping/work mode, and October is a major birthday month to boot. Has anyone else noticed this? I've been in birthday mode, too, for the past few weeks, and I have another party to throw this weekend - on Halloween day, no less. It should be mucho fun, though, so see all those kidlets running around in their costumes. Last weekend it was an adult's birthday party I threw, so it's time to switch gears a bit. I think we'll avoid bobbing for apples, what with the nasty swine flu season and all. We may even have snow, which would almost make it like Christmas and Halloween combined.

See ya in the shake of a black cat's tail!


  1. Anonymous8:44 PM

    Wahoo! And doesn't it just figure that I went out and bought supplies to to try making my own? Expect to hear from me soon :D ...Meanwhile, have fun wrapping up those October festivities--I can't even imagine throwing b-days into the mix!

  2. I know, M. It's a crazy time for sure. And, just as it starts to settle down...here come the holidays.

