Friday, February 24, 2012

LinkLove Friday!

First, on this Linklove Friday, I'd like to say how thrilled I am to be a part of The Lucky 13s - a group of authors with debut YA and other children's novels coming out in 2013. Woot!

I love what Natalie Whipple has to say about this sold-but-not-yet-on-the-shelves state in this blog post.

I'm super excited to be heading down, once again, to the Scottsdale All-Arabian Show with a friend and our kids. I've gone to this show for years & years (and even showed there, which was a blast!).

Are you on Twitter? Are you following me? If not, please do! I'm @Nicole_McInnes.

I'm also on Goodreads - and I'd love to see you there!

Have a great weekend, Everyone.


1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the Luckies! And I love your links. Off to check them out!
