Friday, March 02, 2012

Linklove Friday!

Howdy, and TGIF!

What are you reading on this #fridayreads? I've been reading the seminal (ironic term for writing that helped found modern feminism) poems and stories of Charlotte Perkins Gilman, including "The Yellow Wallpaper" (click on the link to read the story in its entirety!), which is beautifully rendered and perfectly Poe-esque. Written in 1892 - right around the time my grandfather was born! - the story is shocking in it's modern description of a bright woman's losing battle with what seems clearly to be a major bout of post-partum depression. Not a light read for sure, but  definitely well worth it.

Okay, let me just say, "WANT." These prom photos taken by Mary Ellen Marks are a must have for someone like me, who has been spending tons of time lately trying to document some of the rituals of teendom via fiction. I'm going to try to find this in a local bookstore this weekend during my  rare hours of down time.

Speaking of writers and images, here's a great article for any author who has not yet created a Facebook fan/author page. It's such an easy process, and one I've just gone through to get my own page up. I'd love it if you "liked" me here!

I'm sorry, but who doesn't love flying babies?  I sure do, and so will you when you check out "The Flying Series" by Rachel Hulin.

Finally, it was a sad, sad day this week when The Monkees' Davy Jones left us to smack his tambourine with that psychedelic backdrop in the sky behind him. Here he is on the Brady Bunch - in one of the defining t.v. scenes of my childhood. Admittedly, the music producer creeps me out a little, but I personally aspire to the sound guy's mellow vibe. Of course, this is the episode in which, having been platonically kissed by Davy Jones after he escorted her to her junior high prom, Marsha vowed to never to wash her cheek again. Ew? Maybe, but also understandable, considering what an utter little dreamboat he was.

Have a great weekend, Everyone, and keep on daydream believin'!


  1. The second I heard the news about Davy Jones, I thought of The Brady Bunch! I've seen that particular episode (OK, maybe THE ENTIRE SERIES) more times than I can count and always wished I'd be lucky enough to meet one of my teen idols. Such sad news.

  2. You & me both, Brandy. I think The BB must have been on an endless, repeat loop when we were kids, because it always seemed to be on.

  3. Great links! Loved the prom pics, and the baby picture was hilarious.

    Consider yourself "liked." :) (Which, if I'd been on top of the Lucky13s forum, I'd have probably done before now.) And thanks for the link to the author page info! I swear, one of these days soon, I'll get on that. :)

  4. Thanks, Peggy! It's so easy to get behind on those Lucky13s forum posts. I think I need to formally add checking them to my schedule.
