Monday, February 19, 2007

time to call the audiologist

boy (out of school for Presidents' Day): "Mom, can I please watch Star Wars?"

me: "In a little bit."

boy: "A little bit?"

me: "IN a little bit."

boy: "A little bit, or IN a little bit?"

me: "IN a little bit."

boy: "In a little bit?"

me: "Do I need to get your ears checked?"

boy: "What?"


  1. At least he is confirming what he thinks he heard. Mine would just walk off, and assume I said sure go right ahead. :snort:

  2. Anonymous1:24 PM

    It is just amazing what the TV, or even the thought of the TV, can do to all the senses. Mine can't hear me, see me, or feel me grab them firmly by the arm if Tom & Jerry cartoons are playing.

  3. Gah! This happens in your house too!!!
